
ООО "Технокерамика" совместно с ООО "Технопарк" оказывает комплексную поддержку по внедрению и вводу в эксплуатацию технологии литья по выплавляемым моделям (ЛВМ).

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Our partners

Завод Казогнеупор

Kazogneupor factory. One of the largest producers of refractory products and electrocorundum in the CIS countries. The factory is the only enterprise in Central Asia that has a full cycle of production of refractory products. The main supplier of white electrocorundum for LLC "TechnoKeramika". It produces a wide range of refractory materials. New directions are actively developing, new technologies are being introduced and new products are being created.

Carl Spaeter GmbH

Carl Spaeter GmbH. The official representative of LLC Technoceramica in the territory of Western and Eastern Europe. A long-time player in the market of white electrocorundum. Has long-standing and close ties with many participants of the market of abrasive and refractory industry.

ООО Технопарк

LLC "Technopark". The first company in Russia that produces synthetic waxes for casting technology for smelting models (LMC). The company is actively engaged in import substitution of Western waxes, represented on the domestic market and the development of new, more technological solutions, depending on the needs of the customer. Also, the company has established a production line for a water-based binder for LMC based on silicon oxide.

Saffroshine organics P.V.T.

Saffroshine organics P.V.T. LLC "Tehnokeramika" is the representative of the company in the territory of Russia. The company Saffroshine organics offers advanced solutions in the gloss of waxes and model masses for LMC. Being one of the largest wax manufacturers in India is actively developing offering its customers specialized solutions, in accordance with the potencies of the latter.