ООО "Технокерамика" совместно с ООО "Технопарк" оказывает комплексную поддержку по внедрению и вводу в эксплуатацию технологии литья по выплавляемым моделям (ЛВМ).
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Ceramic spheres of zircon (zirconium silicate) are extensively used for sandblasting and hydroabrasive treatment of surfaces of high-tensile metals (stainless steel, nickel and titanium alloys). The main directions are the creation of the effect of matting on metals (stainless steel, aluminum), and hardening (hardening) of high-strength metals (nickel, titanium alloys). Ceramic shot has a high period of serviceability (up to 60 cycles) in comparison with glass balls, which allows to significantly reduce the consumption of material during operation.
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