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Radio frequency induction furnace


Typical works and services on radio frequency induction furnace unit with power level 160 kV∙A, 1.76 MHz

- Induction melting of high temperature compounds of zirconia with some stabilizers (calcia, magnesia, yttria, gadolinia, ytterbia, europia, hafnia) for research refractoriness, thermal conductivity and other parameters
- Induction melting of perspective high temperature compounds with temperature of melting up to 3000 C for research refractoriness, thermal conductivity and other parameters
- Chemical analysis of materials
- Cost of typical works and services discuss individually

Description of radio frequency induction furnace with power level 160 kV∙A, 1.76 MHz

- power level in bath up to 100 kW
- diameter of crucible 400 mm
- volume of molten bath up to 20 liters
- melting and synthesis of materials with temperature of melting up to 3000 C